Love of the Bull Kennel | Pocket American Bully Breeder in Pennsylvania
State your name, your kennel, and where your kennel is located.
My name is Montel of Love of the Bull Kennel. We are located in Philadelphia, PA.
What type of dogs do you breed, and what inspired you to get involved with that particular breed?
We breed Pocket American bullies. Growing up, my father always had pitbulls in our home. Just being around them and learning their characteristics, inspired me to start owning my own as an adult.
What is your favorite bloodline?
My favorite bloodline I will have to say is Dax, but I've been highly interested in GRIMM lately.
In your opinion, what are the characteristics of a responsible dog breeder?
Responsible dog breeders aren't just breeding for money. They're actually breeding into the standard, and making sure to always put the dog's health first.
What type of diet do you keep your dogs on throughout the year?
I feed my dogs Victor Hi Pro, mixed with RAW. It works for all of our dogs and they're very healthy.
How many times a day do you feed your dogs?
All of the dogs eat twice a day.
How do you keep your dogs in shape throughout the year?
I keep my dogs in shape throughout the year using long walks, or treadmills if the weather isn't good. I also use spring poles in the yard, which they love.
Walk us through the process of purchasing a pup from Love of the Bull Kennel from start to finish.
- First, I’d talk with the buyer and learn things about them. I like to know about the home where the dog would be.
- I then send pictures, video, and draw up a contract.
- Once everything is completed, we figure out the shipping, depending on location.
- The puppy comes dewormed, with shot records and a weeks worth of food.
Do you currently show any of your dogs?
I do not currently show any dogs, but I definitely plan to start showing my boys Kane and Kayo from Grimm real soon.
What advice does Love of the Bull Kennel have for any upcoming breeders?
My advice for upcoming breeders is to understand your dogs. Don't just jump into breeding. Learn everything you can, and enjoy what you do while you're doing it. It's the only way it will work.
What do you think is the most difficult thing for people in the bully game to overcome?
The most difficult thing for people in the bully game to overcome is bad breeders. People who are in the game just for money, not caring about the health of the dogs.
How do you think they can overcome this thing?
I think people can overcome this by always staying consistent and true to their vision, and also having patience.
Who do you look up to in the bully game, and why?
I definitely look up to Ssserpentsandbullies. I love their dogs. They have a consistent look and size, and that's how I want to have my program in the future.
Tell us about one of Love of the Bull Kennel's main goals for 2021.
One main goal for 2021 is building a bigger name for Love of the Bull internationally.
Describe how you would want things, in the bully breed Community, to be 10 years from now.
Ten years from now, I would like to see more help from experienced breeders towards new breeders. Teach them to do better with the American bully standard, so it doesn't get watered down.
What separates Love of the Bull Kennel from the competition?
What separates Love of the Bull from competition, is that we do it for the love of the dogs. We make sure our dogs and customers are satisfied with their decision.
What other hobbies or interests do you take part in?
Other hobbies and interests are being outside, learning how to take quality photos of the dogs, and also studying about breeding.
What do you think of Bully Girl Magazine?
I think Bully Girl Magazine is the best resource for bullies and breeders across the world, especially for research on different information about the breed. I love everything about it! Thanks BGM for this opportunity, it's gladly appreciated.