Green Level Bullies: American Bully Breeder in North Carolina
We sat down for a chat with Pac, the founder of Green Level Bullies, to learn more about him and his work in Green Level, North Carolina. Check out our interview to hear what he had to say!
What type of dogs do you breed, and what inspired you to get involved with that particular breed?
I breed American Bullies. I found my inspiration in the early 2000s when I went to a dog show in Greensboro, NC and saw Suge Knight. What caught my attention was his bone structure, his head mass, and the fact that he could really move fast. That’s when I knew I wanted to breed dogs like him.
What is your favorite bloodline?
My favorite bloodline is Boss/Muscletone.
In your opinion, what are the characteristics of a responsible dog breeder?
In my opinion, a responsible dog breeder is someone who always puts the dogs’ well-being first. I also think that responsible breeders should always work to better the breed, but you should never be too busy to educate others and talk bulls with them.
What type of diet do you keep your dogs on throughout the year?
My dogs are on a mixed kibbles and raw diet throughout the year.
How many times a day do you feed your dogs?
I feed my dogs twice a day: once in the early morning and then again in the late afternoon.
How do you keep your dogs in shape throughout the year?
I keep my dogs in shape by taking them on walks, but I honestly think their looks are more the result of their diet and genetics.
Walk us through the process of purchasing a pup from Green Level Bullies from start to finish.
Okay, so it goes like this:
- The first point of contact usually comes through social media or the recommendation from a previous buyer.
- I then start by asking you questions to determine if you are a breeder and what are your plans for the pup. For example, do you plan on breeding or is it just for a family pet?
- Once we cross that bridge, I ask which puppy you would be interested in and then we discuss the price.
- From that point a puppy contract is drawn up and signed. If there is a deposit made you have to have full payment and pup picked up by week 8.
- I then will send you updated pics, FaceTime at least twice a week, and by the 6th week, I will take the puppies to the vet for their shots and health inspection. After every pup is looked at, I will notify each buyer.
- Then all puppies will be picked up by week 8 and any pending balances must be paid in full.
Do you currently show any of your dogs?
I don’t currently show any of my dogs.
What advice does Green Level Bullies have for any upcoming breeders?
My advice is: be patient! You will not get rich overnight. Take your time, build a strong foundation, and develop a thick skin.
What do you think is the most difficult thing for people in the bully game to overcome?
I think the critics are the toughest thing to deal with.
How do you think they can overcome this problem?
I think every person is different so it will be different for each person to overcome. Personally, I don’t let things get to me. I’m very hard on my bulls so you can’t tell me anything that I haven’t already said to myself. I’m all about building the perfect bull, so I like to hear advice from people.
Who do you look up to in the bully game, and why?
I admire a lot of people in the bully game, but the one I’ve watched and studied the most is the legend Ed Shepherd. That man changed the game.
Tell us about one of Green Level Bullies main goals for 2022.
I plan on bringing a female to the show ring and making a lot of noise with her.
Describe how you would want things in the bully breed community to be 10 years from now:
Ten years from now, I would enjoy seeing everyone coming together on the same page to better the breed and not chase the money. I think we would see bulls that would blow your mind.
What separates Green Level Bullies from the competition?
What separates my kennel from the competition is that I’m a pedigree guy. I have some of the best dogs on the east coast because they are second to none and they match their pedigree.
What other hobbies or interests do you take part in?
I enjoy personal training and mentoring youth in personal training and sports.
What do you think of Bully Girl Magazine?
I love Bully Girl Magazine! To be honest, I can’t believe I went from buying a magazine to building my brand to now being asked for an interview! It all seems like a dream but I have put in work and I’m very grateful for this opportunity to be part of your magazine.
I can tell you that Pac is sincere about his dogs and the Pedegree of them every time I talk to him about dogs he lights up the passion is there
Very proud of my bro!! #GL4L
Yeah Pac Man Fasho got the best Bully’s on The East Coast 💪🏾💪🏾
I love This for my brother! I know his work will gain a massive return in the end! GLB
Green Level bullies is a force in the dog game . Dope interview