Full Flex Bullies: XL American Bully Breeder in New Jersey

Full Flex Bullies: XL American Bully Breeder in New Jersey

State your name, your kennel, and where your kennel is located.  

Our names are Gabby and Rich Macklin, Our kennel is Full Flex Bullies, and we are located in New Jersey.

What type of dogs do you breed, and what inspired you to get involved with that particular breed?   Here at Full Flex Bullies we breed fully functional and correct XL American Bullies. What really got us in to breeding Xls was the love we had for one of our close friends’ Bullies. Over 4 years ago, when we met his standard American bully, Bane, we fell in love with the breed but we knew we wanted to breed something a bit bigger.  I did my research and discovered Xls, and ever since then, they've had our heart.

What is your favorite bloodline?   

Our favorite bloodline definitely has to be that old school gottiline blood; it is a huge part of our program.

In your opinion, what are the characteristics of a responsible dog breeder?    

First and foremost, a responsible breeder should always try to better the breed and never breed backwards, They should also have a required contract to be signed before the sale of any puppy; this protects the puppy more then anyone.

What type of diet do you keep your dogs on throughout the year?  

Here at Full Flex Bullies we feed our dogs Sportmix kibble as well as Taste of the Wild kibble

How many times a day do you feed your dogs?  

Our dogs eat twice a day: once in the morning and once when we eat dinner keeping them well fed and energized.

How do you keep your dogs in shape throughout the year? 

We utilize spring poles, flirt poles, and other various tug toys. We also do some running in fields, on the beach, up and down hills, and also casual walks.

Walk us through the process of purchasing a pup from your kennel from start to finish.  

Here is our process when you purchase a pup from us:

  • we would want to first establish your pick. 
  • you place your deposit and sign the contract.
  • once the pup(s) are of age and anyone who has a pick before you has made their picks, then you will pick and pay the remainder owed. 
  • you will also receive a Gift bag for your puppy to go home with.

Do you currently show any of your dogs?

Yes, we are very active in showing in the ABKC on the east coast. We currently show our male Rooneys Zeke and our Female Demos Odessa.

What advice do you have for any upcoming breeders? 

The best advice I could give an upcoming breeder is don't give up if you want to succeed because there can be way more downs then ups when breeding.

What do you think is the most difficult thing for people in the bully game to overcome?   

Right now one of the hardest things to overcome in the bully game is the number of breeders starting up and flooding the market.

How do you think they can overcome this thing?  

The main way to overcome this is for breeders to breed better. Let your productions show people where they need to be looking. Also, breeders should not sell dogs with breeding rights to just anyone. 

Who do you look up to in the bully game, and why?  

The main person we look up to in the bully game is Dan Rooney from Rooenys Bulls. He has an amazing yard of Xl Bullies and he has been there for us from day one. Another kennel we look up to is Bossy Kennels because we would love to be that big one day.  They have some amazing dogs that have done amazing things for the game. We also want to shout out every OG out there– we wouldn't be here today without you.

Tell us about one of your main goals for 2022

Our main goal for 2022 is to Champ out our Xl male Rooneys Zeke and XL female Demos Odessa in the ABKC. 

Describe how you would want things, in the bully breed Community, to be 10 years from now. 10 years from now I hope to see more of an overall acceptance of the breed on all levels. I want everyone to know what an American Bully is!

What separates your kennel from the competition? 

I think the main thing that separates us from the competition is the time we put in and our attention to detail. We are always working with our dogs or doing show training. We always strive to bring the best out in our dogs and we will do the same with our productions.

What other hobbies or interests do you take part in? 

Some other hobbies we have are fishing and camping. We also enjoy fun, family activities with our kids

What do you think of Bully Girl Magazine? 

Bully Girl is awesome. It’s always great reading and has been around awhile. Bully Girl is definitely not going anywhere.

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