Dab Co (Dimas American Bully Company): Standard & Pocket American Bully Breeder

Dab Co (Dimas American Bully Company): Standard & Pocket American Bully Breeder

State your name, your kennel, and where your kennel is located.

My name is Dima. I own Dab Co (Dimas American Bully Company) & Pawsitive Vibes dog training.

What type of dogs do you breed, and what inspired you to get involved with that particular breed?

We breed standard and pocket American Bullies. I've loved bullies ever since I had Pit Bull’s and other mixed breeds back in the day. When I decided to breed, I knew what I wanted, and set out to create.

What is your favorite bloodline?

There are a lot of bloodlines I like, but I prefer to stick to Razors Edge blood. I often outcross if there are specific traits or blood I'm trying to acquire, or a certain look I'm going after.

In your opinion, what are the characteristics of a responsible dog breeder?

Responsible breeders put the health and well being of the dogs first and foremost. Responsible breeders take proper steps to make sure they're doing things the right way and not cutting corners. There are too many breeders, and not enough breeding programs, if you can understand that.

What type of diet do you keep your dogs on throughout the year?

My dogs eat Purina Pro Plan Sport. We add in multivitamins, and various other nutrition additives such as fresh fruit, vegetables, and sometimes raw meat.

How many times a day do you feed your dogs?

Dogs over a year old eat once a day, in the evening, after a hard day's work. Younger dogs eat twice, and puppies even more, depending on age..

How do you keep your dogs in shape throughout the year?

Daily exercise and a healthy diet.

Walk us through the process of purchasing a pup from Dimas American Bully Company from start to finish.

Typically people undergo my approval process. I won't sell a dog to just anyone. I don't care if you're waving a bag of money in front of my face. Also, if the buyer is looking for more than just a pet, they have to be ok with not having full breeding rights. We don't let our hard work fall into the hands of just anyone with a bit of cash.

Do you currently show any of your dogs?

We have a few dogs that we currently show. Most everyone knows Dual Grand Champion Slim Shady. Our boy Cheech is a few points and a major away from becoming a champion, and has only been to 2 double shows. I actually just got my frenchie, Roach, a few months back. We are excited to start showing him in the next few months.


What advice does Dimas American Bully Company have for any upcoming breeders?

Be humble, and start with good stock. Invest in yourself and your breeding program. Don't just buy a couple dogs based on pedigree, and start throwing them together. You most likely will fail.


What do you think is the most difficult thing for people in the bully game to overcome?

I think the biggest flaw this breed has is inconsistency. There are 100's of different kinds of bullies. You don't see this much variety in any other breed. Also, what adds to that problem, is people being afraid to speak up, and not taking criticism properly from more experienced breeders.

How do you think they can overcome this thing?

Watch, listen, and learn. Don't be so quick to jump into it.

Who do you look up to in the bully game, and why?

I look up to people with long term consistent programs, not just people who have been around forever. Robert Lee and KC Chavez are a couple good examples of seasoned vets within the bully community.

Tell us about one of Dimas American Bully Company’s main goals for the year 2020.

We want to hit more shows as things start to pick back up after this pandemic. Also, we have a few breedings to complete, that we've had in the works for a couple years now.


Describe how you would want things, in the bully breed Community, to be 10 years from now.

I would love to see consistency in health, structure, temperament and breed type. 

What separates Dimas American Bully Company from the competition?

I think the fact I'm not in competition with anyone lol. I make badass dogs and clap for whoever does the same.

What other hobbies or interests do you take part in?

I train and rehabilitate dogs. I've had my training business going on for twelve years now.

What do you think of Bully Girl Magazine?

I love the fact that Bully Girl Magazine stays active, by engaging with people and kennels throughout the community. Shoutout to you guys!

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