ViceKingz Exotic Bullys: Exotic Bully Breeder in Florida
State your name, your kennel, and where your kennel is located.
I’m Raul. We are ViceKingz Exotic Bullys. You can find us in Miami, Dade County.
What type of dogs do you breed, and what inspired you to get involved with that particular breed?
We breed exotic bully’s. I’ve always had Pit Bulls since I was a teenager. Then I went away to prison for 10 years, but I followed the dog world closely. When I came home, I got my money right, and I loved where the dog world had gone with the bully’s.
I loved the look and structure of the bully breed. I already had my vision of what I wanted to create, so I began to invest in this business. Not only do I have a passion for it, but it also gave me another honest way to provide for my family. This is something fun that the whole family can be involved in. My wife and I love traveling to shows with our other friends in the bully community.
We are also now venturing into the frenchies (Grinchies) as well, with my friend Wasabi, another big Florida breeder doing his thing. Shoutout to him.
What is your favorite bloodline?
I mess with that Bape & Taz blood heavy with the bully’s. When it comes to the frenchies, I only mess with that G code - that Grinch blood.
In your opinion, what are the characteristics of a responsible dog breeder?
First and foremost, educate your client on what he’s purchasing. Not everyone has to sell 20/30k dogs. Have your product priced fairly. If you bought your bitch for 3-5k, and you're breeding to an up and coming stud that cost you 1k, you can’t expect to sell dogs out of that litter for 15-20k. That would be bad business.
Secondly, make sure that pup or adult is in outstanding health when you rehome them. Just have good overall customer service, do good business and if it’s an up and coming breeder, help him get a little promotion. Give him a little game. We all were started at the beginning. So you should pay it forward when someone believes in your brand, and invests in your program.
What type of diet does ViceKingz Exotic Bullys keep their dogs on throughout the year?
I keep them on good kibble, mixed in with some wet food. I also alternate between proteins: raw meat, yogurt, chicken, and eggs. My females stay on vitamins to keep their levels perfect for pregnancy.
How many times a day do you feed your dogs?
My adults get fed one big meal, once a day. My pups get fed up to 7 times a day, and I wean them down to once a day like the adults, when they get to about 4.5 months old.
How do you keep your dogs in shape throughout the year?
I just let the dogs be dogs, and play. I let them play outside everyday. That’s how they stay in shape, and also get accustomed to that Miami weather. I lost one of my best females like that. She had a stroke playing in the backyard.
If you’re somewhere hot and humid, like Miami, it’s important for them to get use to that heat, from young. Be extra careful in the summer months.
Walk us through the process of purchasing a pup from ViceKingz Exotic Bullys from start to finish.
I try to make the process as easy as possible. Without a deposit, there is no business. Once the deposit is sent, the balance is due when they pick up their pup, simple. I then draw up a contract. Once I make my pick and verify that the pups are healthy and ready, I’ll start letting the public come make there picks. This is usually around 6 weeks of age.
During that time I’m sending video and picture updates, keeping them involved in everything that’s going on. When they get their pup, it’s dewormed, all shots are up to date and they will have a fresh fade.
If you can’t come get your pup, I have transportation services at your expense. Your pup will be delivered safe and sound. We also ship internationally. However, that pup won’t leave my house unless I’m 100% sure it’s healthy and ready to be rehomed.
Do you currently show any of your dogs?
Yeah, I try and go to all the shows, at least on the East Coast. I like to let the people see my dogs. We haven’t really been to any shows since the beginning of the year due to covid. The shows are slowly starting up again, so I’ll be out there soon.
I will be going out west soon too. I had issues traveling because of my probation conditions. It was difficult for me to travel like I wanted to, but all that is over now.
What advice does ViceKingz Exotic Bullys have for any upcoming breeders?
Be a student of the game. Have a vision, and invest in the right program, no shortcuts. If your money ain’t right, don’t get into this. Breeding is expensive. If you’re looking for a quick bag, don’t get into this. Yes, this is a multimillion dollar industry, but it’s hard work and takes time. You have to build your brand and your name.
Also, be prepared for shit to happen along the way. Bitches may not take, or pups may die. You’re going to run into things. Nothing is guaranteed, so u have to be mentally prepared.
Another good piece of advice, given to me by my friend: pictures will make or break your dog, and your name. Do not ever post wack photos or videos of your dog. Take your time and put out good content. Invest some money to get good professional photos. If you take the photos yourself, take your time and get good shots and angles that show off your dogs qualities. Learn what people look for.
What do you think is the most difficult thing for people in the bully game to overcome?
The hardest thing to overcome for new breeders, would be the mental aspect. People see us making these big sales, making money, going to shows showing out and they think it’s all sweet.
However, they don’t know the losses we take and the work we put in behind the scenes. When new breeders have a few setbacks and things don’t go as planned, they quickly want to get out the game. You have to be committed and consistent. If you can overcome the first few years, you’ll be good.
Who do you look up to in the bully game, and why?
Aw man! There's a lot of people I respect, that I look up to in the bully game. However, you gotta mention George Soto. George is one of the Goats. He really set the bar, and showed us how to get rich off these dogs.
Also, shoutout to MLB Kenny. He’s one of the OG’s. We just put an amazing breeding together with Pimpy. I bought one of my first bulls from him. Kenny gave me some good advice when I was coming into the game.
Then you have the homie Chelsea from Cloud9. I bought one of my first bulls from Chelsea. She gave me great advice and did A-1 business. She’s a hustler and she breeds everything: goats, pigs, rottweilers lol. Chelsea is killing it with Pimpin, shoutout to her.
In Florida, you gotta mention Omar GEB. That’s my bro! Omar opened his doors to me from day one. He’s a good teacher of the game and has given me great advice always.
Shoutout to Mike Devils Drip and the whole GEB fam. Shoutout to SMB Dean and the whole SMB fam. Wasabi is one of my favorites on IG, and he’s definitely killing it right now. We are cooking up something special. WWE Javi is definitely putting in his work. Homie is in every show, killing it with Palido. BWE Will, and the homie The Bully Crew killing it with that Dirt Devil Son Lunatic.
Also, my dog Fabian Conde Rossline. I bought one of my first bulls from him as wel. Fabian has some fire ass litters on the ground right now. Shoutout to my bro Looney Toonz Bullys as well.
Lastly, shoutout to all of Florida period. We are winning and definitely applying pressure. Everyone I mentioned is on there A-game, and they all motivate me to go harder and stay on point.
Tell us about one of your main goals for the year 2020.
My goal for 2020 is just to lock in on these next few breedings I got coming, to close out the year with a bang. I just pray for healthy litters and some badass bulls.
Describe how you would want things, in the bully breed Community, to be 10 years from now.
I would like there to be more unity and less hating. More collabs, putting bad ass breedings together. We don’t have to tear each other down to sell dogs. There’s money out here for everyone. Let’s promote each others pages, and litters etc.
Let’s keep our prices up. Don’t depreciate your bulls. Put together good quality breedings for the people. This is supposed to be fun. Yes, we are competitive, but let’s not take the fun out of it. I definitely like where we are headed as a community.
What separates ViceKingz Exotic Bullys from the competition?
What separates Vicekingz, is that we choose quality over quantity all day. I’m not trying to have 30 breedings a year. I'm good with 5-6, out of this world, super exclusive breedings. I am meticulously putting together breedings, to nothing but the biggest studs in the world.
I’m not cutting any corners or sparring any expense. Whatever you purchase from us is going be top shelf exclusive. I don’t care if it's a chihuahua, it’s gonna be the most exclusive chihuahua, with the craziest peds lol.
What other hobbies or interests do you take part in?
When I’m not working with the dogs or running any of my other businesses, I'm with my wife and 4 kids. We love traveling, hitting the gym or taking the bikes out and hitting the mud for a bit.