Trap Nation Bullyz | XL and Standard American Bully Breeder in Canada
State your name, your kennel, and where your kennel is located.
My name is Tiffany Bazinet. My husband, Matt Bazinet and I, own Trap Nation Bullyz, located in Canada.
What type of dogs do you breed, and what inspired you to get involved with that particular breed?
We look forward to breeding XL and Standard American bullies in this upcoming new year. We have owned Pit Bulls and bullies for the past 17 years as family dogs, as we really enjoy their temperament and energy. They make amazing companions and family pets.
What is your favorite bloodline?
I love them all! If I absolutely had to choose one, it would have to be Razor’s Edge.
In your opinion, what are the characteristics of a responsible dog breeder?
As a responsible dog breeder, it is very important to always be improving on the look and quality of the dog, while maintaining their original integrity. We also believe that temperament comes first, because it is a very important aspect to breeding.
Genetics play a big role as well, and breeders should only strive to produce the best quality dogs possible, and shouldn't settle for anything less. Breeders should also comprehend that not every dog born should be in the breeding program. Obviously the welfare of the animal is extremely important, and these dogs do much better in an environment where they are taken care of properly.
What type of diet do you keep your dogs on throughout the year?
Our dogs are on a diet that is geared towards their body structure and their internal health. The diet is based mostly on high proteins and good fats. They are also given fresh vegetables, fruits, and the odd farm fresh egg on their food to maintain their coats and the extra protein.
How many times a day do you feed your dogs?
Our adult dogs eat twice a day and are fed mostly after a run. Our puppies are fed according to their growth charts and vet recommendations.
How do you keep your dogs in shape throughout the year?
On our property we have a large area that has been dedicated for our dogs to run and exercise. We never refuse them outdoor activity, or interaction with our children, family and friends.
Walk us through the process of purchasing a pup from Trap Nation Bullyz from start to finish.
As we are a new kennel, we haven’t had the pleasure of having a litter yet. We have put much thought into the process of the future puppies and striving to make sure they go to the perfect families. They will be cared for with much love and best interest.
- We would require a signed contract that would entail all their information including addresses, veterinary information, allowing us to contact the vet to verify that the client is a reliable and responsible pet owner.
- Then after approval their would be a $1000 deposit that is non refundable. This will reserve your spot in the order of picking that you have chosen. Then the remaining amount agreed upon would have to be paid in full by 7 weeks of age.
- Thereafter the owner will be responsible for shipping fees, and following up with a vet within 48 hours of receiving the new puppy to guarantee the puppy has maintained good health during the time of travelling.
- The puppies will have one year of guaranteed health, and will come with vet papers of their records of up to date shots and deworming. Following ABKC registration paperwork.
Does Trap Nation Bullyz currently show any dogs?
No we currently have not entered any of our dogs into the shows. That is something we will be venturing into in the future.
What advice do you have for any upcoming breeders?
My advice for upcoming breeders would be to stay 100 percent committed, and have a game plan that you’re willing to stick to. Focus on the task at hand. Lastly, always maintain the best quality of life for your bullies.
What do you think is the most difficult thing for people in the bully game to overcome?
The most difficult thing for people in the bully game to overcome is the backlash and negativity from uneducated people, who don’t understand the breed.
How do you think they can overcome this thing?
Knowing that not everyone is open minded. When the opportunity arises, take advantage and try to educate individuals. We openly invite anyone to come and interact with our dogs anytime.
Who do you look up to in the bully game, and why?
We look up to kennels who we believe have the same interest that we do. They have managed to produce extraordinary structure, color and temperament in their bullies. We have also created some great friendships along our journey so far, and hope to create many more.
Tell us about one of Trap Nation Bullyz main goals for 2021.
One of our main goals for 2021, is to start producing a few litters. We have carefully selected studs to compliment our females, and their overall stature.
Describe how you would want things, in the bully breed Community, to be 10 years from now.
I would hope ten years from now, we have more acceptance and understanding of this breed. I would also like to see more responsible breeders take interest in the bully breed.
What separates Trap Nation Bullyz from the competition?
We do not see other kennels as competition. We are not competing with anyone. Our goal is to produce top quality dogs, and to make sure our clients receive the best overall bully. We believe in quality over quantity, and strive to support other kennels with their goals. We hope they feel the same way about us.
What other hobbies or interests do you take part in?
I have a huge interest in chickens, and run my own little chicken farm, that produces fresh free range eggs. My husband also tells me he loves to do all these extra projects around the house. Thank you Pinterest! LOL.
What do you think of Bully Girl Magazine?
We have recently learned of Bully Girl Magazine, who they are and what they do. We think it’s absolutely amazing that they focus on women and bullies. I hope that this inspires more women to pursue their goals and dreams. Maybe they will even get in to breeding bullies. We are honored to have been asked to be a part of the BGM community.
1 comment
Trap Nation Bullyz will be producing the most beautiful pups. I’ve been following them on IG and I can’t wait to see their first litter!