Nolimit Bloodline: French Bulldog Breeder in Atlanta, GA

Nolimit Bloodline: French Bulldog Breeder in Atlanta, GA

State your name, your kennel, and where your kennel is located.

My name is Miles Scott, and I own the Nolimit Bloodline kennel in Atlanta, Georgia.

What type of dogs do you breed, and what inspired you to get involved with that particular breed?

I currently breed French bulldogs and am inspired to get into pocket bullies next. However, I'm still looking around for the perfect breeder to work with.

What is your favorite bloodline?

I am sometimes a fan of the Shrinkabull line. And I like watching the Darkside kennel in California breed Frenchies.

In your opinion, what are the characteristics of a responsible dog breeder?

You must be disciplined. Being a dog breeder requires daily work. We are cleaning cages, feeding the dogs a healthy diet, exercising, playing with them, and training them to improve. But a huge and crucial first step is keeping things clean and organized.

What type of diet do you keep your dogs on throughout the year?

I feed my Frenchies Nulo dry kibble, Vital Turkey links, and a small dose of liquid gold. I also provide bananas and apples to them throughout the week.

How many times a day do you feed your dogs?

We feed the dogs twice a day.

How do you keep your dogs in shape throughout the year?

The dogs stay in shape by playing in the yard daily, and we take them on short hiking trips. 

Walk us through the process of purchasing a pup from Nolimit Bloodline from start to finish.

  • First, you can contact me through my website I’m also on Instagram @nolimitbloodline or Facebook as Miles Scott.
  • After we connect, I’ll set up a phone call where we can discuss available pups and get a deposit. 
  • Once the pups are ready to go to their new homes, I will bring your selected puppy and a care package to your home. 
  • Our care package includes a cage, food, blanket, pee pads, toys, and more for your pup to feel comfortable in their new home. 

Do you currently show any of your dogs?

No, I currently don't. I am waiting to start my own bloodline to start entering shows.

What advice does Nolimit Bloodline have for any upcoming breeders?

Breed what you like, not what's hot or trending. Work on your brand and business.

What do you think is the most difficult thing for people in the bully game to overcome?

Politics breed what you like.

How do you think they can overcome this thing?

Worry about yourself and spend less time comparing yourself to other breeders. You'll be rewarded if you love the animals, do the research, and put in hard work.

Who do you look up to in the bully game, and why?

I have a few Kennels that I look at, take small gems from them, and remix them into my own style. I like Westmonte Exotic for branding Darkside Frenchie for Breeding, just to name a few.

Tell us about one of Nolimit Bloodline's main goals for 2022.

My main goal is to host two dog shows this year and start to build my registry. Then, at the beginning of 2023, I want to expand my bloodline.

Describe how you would want things, in the bully breed Community, to be 10 years from now.

I just want things to be about the dogs and give them the praise they deserve. It feels like it’s more for the owners than the dogs.

What separates Nolimit Bloodline from the competition?

I have no competition, but I'm always trying to come up with new ideas to better our community or to bring us together.

What other hobbies or interests do you take part in?

Some of my hobbies include working out and working on myself each day.

What do you think of Bully Girl Magazine?

I think Bully Girl Magazine is a dope platform to bring up-and-coming breeders to light. It was a pleasure to do this interview with you all. Thank you.

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1 comment

Informative interview. He was born to do great things on his own terms. There’s NOLIMIT to this BLOODLINE. mom

Camille Miles

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