Dynasty Bullys: Micro/Pocket American Bully Breeder in Michigan
State your name, your kennel, and where your kennel is located.
My name is Gabby Goodin, of Dynasty Bullys, located in Coldwater, MI.
What type of dogs do you breed, and what inspired you to get involved with that particular breed?
We breed Micro/Pocket American Bully’s at the moment. However, we are interested in expanding into the XL class in 2021. We were inspired by the actual dogs, their temperament, beauty, strength, and most importantly their personalities.
What is your favorite bloodline?
We have a few favorite bloodlines. Our favorites include Venomline, Devil’s Spit, and Bape.
In your opinion, what are the characteristics of a responsible dog breeder?
At Dynasty Bullys, we don’t thrive on quantity, but on the quality of the dogs. Each one of our pups that we bring in, are part of the family. We believe honesty and reliability are the most important traits when dealing with dog breeders, because we hold ourselves to that high of a standard.
What type of diet do you keep your dogs on throughout the year?
We do a mixture of kibble and raw, that consists of protein and nutrients. We also use fish oil to support healthy coats.
How many times a day do you feed your dogs?
We like to keep our dogs on a very strict schedule to maintain strength and obedience, feeding them twice a day.
How do you keep your dogs in shape throughout the year?
We do live in Michigan so we deal with a colder climate. On days that we can not be outside due to weather, we train with our dog’s inside. All other days they are trained outside with things like running, catching, and sports all together. At Dynasty Bullys, we believe training and play time are key in keeping healthy and happy bully’s.
Walk us through the process of purchasing a pup from Dynasty Bullys from start to finish.
As we are a new kennel, we are preparing to drop our first official litter early 2021. The most important thing to us, is keeping an honest and clear contract where both parties agree, as well as providing the best quality pups.
We strive to make each and every breeder/buyer comfortable with their purchase. We want them to be confident that we have held up our end of the contract including: healthy puppies, consistent communication, and any helpful tips we may be able to offer. Our goal is to make bringing their puppy to its forever home, a very smooth and stress free transaction.
Do you currently show any of your dogs?
Our stud, King Dex, will start showing as of 2021. We have been working very hard with King Dex. We’ve worked on his obedience and temperament, alongside the other bully’s in our camp. He is UKC registered and will be a show stopper.
What advice does Dynasty Bullys have for any upcoming breeders?
Research! Make sure to research early, preferably from the moment your pup is born. Know what you are getting into with the bully breed. Specifically, research the pedigree, vets, types of foods, and research other breeders!
Do not be afraid to ask questions! Be wary of other breeders from jump. You need to learn and earn that trust between others. It’s a very competitive business to be in, and is also very costly. A lot of time and money is put into the dogs to make sure they are healthy and happy. That’s why the research is so important. We still research everyday. That’s what we have done with all our pups, and trust us, it shows.
What do you think is the most difficult thing for people in the bully game to overcome?
We think the most difficult thing for people in the bully game to overcome is not giving up on your own kennel. Some days will be harder than others, considering you may lose a pup. Anything can happen in this bully game.
How do you think they can overcome this thing?
It is important to remember why you got into breeding in the first place. Always remember why you have the love for the game, because if you aren’t doing what you love, then what is the point?
Who do you look up to in the bully game, and why?
This is a very hard question for us. We look up to many people that were in the bully game before us. At Dynasty Bully’s, we have looked up to many different breeders for different reasons. Some for what they produce, and some for their love and loyalty to the dogs.
Some people in the game that have specifically made an impact on us are 340 Exotic Bullies, Golden City Bully’s, and Tapp Family Bullies for all the support and love that they have shown Dynasty Bullys from the beginning. It is very important to create relationships with other great breeders.
Tell us about one of Dynasty Bullys main goals for the year 2021.
We are mostly excited about the litter we will be dropping in early 2021. We are also excited to be bringing in a few new members, as well as many new pups.
Describe how you would want things, in the bully breed Community, to be 10 years from now.
The bully breed community needs to be more upfront and honest. It is hard for us everyday when we get the messages from other people who have experienced terrible breeders.
So we don’t turn them away, we help them find other quality breeders to work with. If we can not supply our customers with what they want, we are not afraid to share that love with someone in the bully community that we know will be honest.
What separates Dynasty Bullys from the competition?
We are a family, and we are women. We are generations coming together, creating the most extraordinary bullies. It’s a dynasty!
What other hobbies or interests do you take part in?
We enjoy creating music, playing sports, as well as just spending quality time. Whether it be outside or just inside relaxing and watching Family Feud.
What do you think of Bully Girl Magazine?
We love the fact that Bully Girl shows the bullies in all different forms. Whether it be funny or fierce. We love that the quality is always different. We love the quality of the bullies shown. One thing that stands out the most is that you showcase the strong women that are in the business.
When we first started our kennel, most breeders assumed we were all men. When it happens to be that two of the owners are actually women. So we love that you showcase that both women and men can come together and enjoy this bully game.
1 comment
I’m a beginner breeder and I enjoy everything u wrote